Helpful bits and bobs

This time around I’m feeling far more relaxed and also I realised before Leo came that I wanted a few things I didn’t have with Alfie. So I thought I’d do a little tiny list of things I’m doing differently this time that has really helped me being more relaxed and chilled.

Hospital Bag essentials

As I’m now well in the third trimester I’m realising (due to getting reminders in apps and emails) I should probably start to prepare the hospital bag. Whilst I’m packing my own ice out together some tips for your hospital bag essentials. Enjoy!

Prepare to be prepared

I’ve put together a little list of things to prepare for the parents before baby arrives. Prepare in advance as once you have your little one in your arms it’s very hard to think of anything else for a while.

You time, Me time – what time?

I’m currently on maternity leave. For the few readers I have that comes to no surprise. However, when on maternity leave you have your precious, your best creation, the apple of your eye constantly on you, with you. 24/7 you are needed. In every sense of the word. Your needs are no longer any kind…


The end of boobies. Have we cracked the code or is this the calm before the storm?

What is poop in Spanish?

Bending over backwards has a new meaning. Poo-splosions and other nappy-related happenings in Spain.

Making new mum friends – Tinder for parents

So. Making new friends as an adult can be daunting on its own. But when you’re also sleep deprived, hormonal AF and with a tiny human attached to your body it’s just on another level.